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New Year Resolution

Happy New Years! 2023, here we are.

It’s that time of the year, where many of us have resolutions that we want to accomplish for the new year. But when it comes to keeping and completing our goals for the year - I don’t know about you - but I lose steam and end up not reaching some of the goals I set for myself. I am sure some of you can relate!

I have been thinking about some ways how I can stay on top of my new year’s resolutions, and hopefully this will be helpful for you as well!

How to reach your Goals

First, we got to start with what I call, “The Why”. Why do we want to set AND complete this goal. Why is it important to us, and what would it mean if we completed our goal(s) and what would it mean for us if we didn’t complete our goal(s)?

Maybe we are trying to lose a few pounds. Maybe we are trying to get our home organized. Maybe we are trying to get out of an unhealthy relationship. Whatever the goal is, we need to really ask ourselves, why do we want to do what we are trying to accomplish, and why now! If we start with the WHY and set it in stone in our mind and heart, we will accomplish our goal!

Next, let’s set some milestones for our goals.

Going back to our weight loss goal, if our goal is to lose 24 pounds this year, let’s have monthly milestones that we want to reach. If we have a target of losing 2 pounds a month, by the end of the year, we will reach our goal.

Maybe we’re trying to learn a new language. If we have a weekly or monthly milestone of reaching a certain level in the language we are trying to pick up, we will have a better a chance of picking up the new language. These “milestone” targets give us an actionable and measurable way to keep us accountable on what we are trying to accomplish with a deadline in mind.

It's inevitable that things are going to happen in our daily lives that will try to get us off track with our resolutions and daily goals. That’s okay, life happens! We need to be prepared for the unexpected and still take action. When unexpected challenges come up, sometimes we will need to be flexible and creative so we can reach our milestones. This gives a fighting chance to stay on track to reach our new resolutions. No matter what challenges come our way during the journey, we need to stick with it!

Remember, small meaningful effort done consistently will reap big results.

Friends, I hope you find these suggestions helpful. No matter, if we reach our goals or not, WE KEEP GOING. If you don’t reach your resolutions or milestones, don’t give up! We pick ourselves up and keep going forward. And when we reach our goal, take a moment to decompress and celebrate! And then we can set new goals for ourselves!

Friends, I wish you all a safe and prosperous new year!

Written by: Benoj Jacob


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